Pleasantly Persistent PR Blog

How to Pitch Trending News Topics in Five Easy Steps
April 22, 2022
The media is always searching for new topics to cover, and often one outlet or platform looks to another when identifying emerging trends and stories. As a publicist, use this to your advantage.

In other words, you don't have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to identifying pitch-worthy topics. Simply capitalize on trending topics that outlets are already using.

If everyone is talking about a given topic, especially as part of an emerging trend, then find a way to add your voice to the conversation with a well-crafted trending news pitch. Learn how to pitch trending news topics in these five easy steps.

#1 Follow Mainstay Media Outlets and Programs
It goes without saying that you can't pitch trending news topics if you don't know what the trending news topics are. Many of my pitching ideas originate from consuming media, and in particular, watching the national morning shows.

I record all three of the big morning shows —TODAY, Good Morning America, and CBS Mornings. These shows have their finger on the pulse of what America is talking about and cares about, making them a great source for pitching ideas.

The same concept applies to newspaper articles, especially from national newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. I have a digital subscription to all three.
#2 Identify & Incorporate Trending News Topics
After you identify a trending topic, don't be afraid to use a synonymous phrase in your pitch. For example, the other day I watched a "Kindness 101" segment on CBS Mornings. I also noticed that #kindnesschallenges was trending on social media.

Here's the thing, if CBS News is focusing on kindness now, other networks are likely to jump on the bandwagon with their own kindness segments. You want to be right there with a relevant pitch when those networks move forward with kindness programming. So, don't be afraid to use the same buzzwords and create a pitch around it.
#3 Layer Your Expertise into the Trending News Pitch
Okay, so you have your pitch idea from a news outlet and you are incorporating that buzzword in your pitch, now you have to highlight your expertise. This shows why a network should choose you to discuss the trending subject.

I'll take my client Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D. as an example. She has written Uplifted: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality. The tie-in here is pretty obvious since the buzzword is in the title of the book!

But to drive the point home, I mention how she prioritizes kindness to others as a way to live a happier life, as well as her action plan for being more kind and happy. (Media outlets love actionable items and lists, by the way!)
#4 Link the Source Material in Your Pitch
In your trending news topic pitch, it is usually advised to include the link of your source material - this is often the case for television and is certainly the case for print outlets. Insert a hyperlink to the source newspaper article that is making headlines, and then add bullet points illustrating your expert commentary on the subject. Make it clear that are available to come on the show or join a panel discussion to share your valuable insights on a national story.

I find this linking technique very helpful, and actually got the idea from a guest booker at FOX Business years ago.
#5 Use Different Trending Topics at the Same Time!
Another pitch I put together for her was based on reporting I watched on CBS Mornings and Good Morning America about a federal judge in Florida overturning mask mandates in airports. I figured there would be ongoing coverage around this decision. In particular, I thought there could be coverage addressing people's concerns about getting sick while traveling by air. As such, I created a pitch for radio shows and podcasts with the subject line "No masks on airplanes? Supercharge your immunity with Dr. Susan!"

And finally, Earth Day was April 22. There is always a lot of media coverage around this event. To capitalize on this trending topic and link it with my client, I developed a pitch around Dr. Susan's "earthing" technique of walking barefoot in nature as a way to reduce stress. Subject lines for those radio pitches included, "Earthing on Earth Day – Fun Tips to Celebrate the Holiday."
In sum, you can learn how to pitch trending news topics in five easy steps, but it takes a lot of time, dedication and practice. Many people leave it to publicity experts like me. Find out how I can effectively pitch your book by reaching out to me today!
Feel free to contact me
Julia Brown
Book publicist
Phone: +1 619-888-7956
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